關於wolf drawing的評價, James Jean
My buddy Amy (Pow Wow Hawaii) was having a difficult time finding the right look for her daughter, s...
My buddy Amy (Pow Wow Hawaii) was having a difficult time finding the right look for her daughter, s...
【Wolf】 Don't know how to draw a really cool wolf? ...
【Drawing Process】 Anime coloring, don't miss it~ (...
今天去 嘎啦嘎啦市集 挖到超讚的郵票! 沒想到居然會有鬃狼的郵票,其他還有杜勒畫的野兔,超派的阿德...
#Eugene讀的300多本myON電子書記錄 (此圖不包含同myON的『Kaite Woo』和『D...
NYDeTour週末何處去:4/27-4/28 (Sat & Sun) *4/27 (Sat)...
NYDeTour週末何處去:4/27-4/28 (Sat & Sun) *4/27 (Sat) A...
JIRO worked on the creatives of the album jacket o...
《聚變:AA倫敦建築聯盟的前銳時代》開幕講座 圓滿落幕!如同下半場的講題:#聚集、#對話 與 #改變...
😛 沒有不努力的理由 2月前完成好兩本繪本 然後就可以安心去日本👣 I need mor...